Suresave Travel Insurance provide safety assistance and insurance to cover travellers before, during and after their travels. They are a leading provider of Travel Insurance in Australia. Its travel products are underwritten by XL Insurance Company SE, Australia branch (ABN 36 083 570 441). Suresave strive to be honest and genuine, with their business built around insight and a deep understanding of travel safety and insurance. They offer a 24 hour worldwide emergency assistance, and are there when things go wrong.
Why do you need travel insurance?
How can you save money on it? How can you be sure you're getting the right cover? Download Choice Travel Insurance Buying Guide Before considering travel insurance from credit cards or other complimentary offerings there’s a few things you should consider..
Click here for a Travel Insurance Checklist |
Suresave Worldwide Emergency Contact:
Have the following information ready: - Your name & policy number - A contact number where you are now - The nature of your problem - Details of medical consultation you have had - Name and contact details of your doctor at home. |
Suresave PDS Guide
Medical Screening (info and instructions)Claim Form |
SureSave Pty Limited ABN 82 137 885 262 AR 339902 is an authorised representative of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 81 115 932 173, AFS Licence No. 308461 (nib Travel Services). Travel Time ABN 94 046 185 680 is a distributor of nib Travel Services Australia. Before you buy, please read the PDS available from us. This insurance is underwritten by XL Insurance Company SE, Australia branch (ABN 36 083 570 441).